Certificate of Investment

Certificate of Investment (COI)

PMRC offers Certificates of Investment (COIs) as a secure and structured financial product, designed to provide attractive returns along with a “AAA” credit rating. COIs function similarly to term deposits, where investors commit funds for a fixed period and earn a predetermined profit upon maturity.

With flexible tenors and competitive rates, PMRC provides a reliable investment avenue tailored to your financial needs.
Below are the COI Rates:

Tenor Rates
1-Month 10.00%
3-Month 9.75%
6-Month 9.50%
12-Month 9.00%

For more details on investment opportunities, please contact:

Abid Ali Mohsin
Ph No: 35633366-68 Ext 145
Email: [email protected]

Ph No: 35633366-68 Ext 124
Email: [email protected]

  • Fax
  • +92(21)35633365
  • Registered Address
  • Finance & Trade Center, 4th Floor, Block-A, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi -74400, Pakistan.