Osman Asghar Khan completed his articles with Ernst & Young LLP in the US. In 1996, he moved to Data General in an internal audit role growing to lead the department. In 1999 Data General was acquired by EMC in Pakistan where he continued to have a number of senior roles in Finance and Operations. In 2007 he moved back to Pakistan and established EMC’s operations within Pakistan, growing that business until it was acquired by Dell in 2016. Osman also has remained as Country Head of SAP in Pakistan. Currently, Osman is leading Afiniti in Pakistan, a leading AI unicorn, and is also serving on the board of a number of Pakistani companies and is the Honorary Consul of Ireland in Pakistan.
He is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) from Massachusetts, USA as well as a Chartered Accountant (CA) from Canada & Pakistan. He has done his Bachelors from Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island in Economics, and I.R. He has also completed his MBA in Accounting from Boston University.